解锁军械库:掌握AMR mod 4自定义

作者: Sebastian Feb 22,2025

AMR mod 4:《使命召唤:黑色行动6和Warzone》中的迷彩和附件的综合指南

使命召唤:Black Ops 6和Warzone的第1季介绍了AMR Mod 4狙击步枪,拥有一系列的迷彩和附件以解锁。本指南详细介绍了如何获取AMR mod 4的每个迷彩和附件。

AMR Mod 4 Camos


Multiplayer Camos


Camo TypeCamo NameUnlock RequirementImage
Military CamosGranite5 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Woodland10 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Savanna15 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Splinter20 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Moss30 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Saboteur40 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Digital50 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Tide75 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Red Tiger100 headshot kills with AMR Mod 4
Special CamosShadow ThornUnlock all Military Camos in Multiplayer; 30 one-shot kills
Tidal HarmonyUnlock all Military Camos in Multiplayer; 10 x 2 kills without reloading
Mastery CamosGoldUnlock all Multiplayer Special Camos; 10 double kills
DiamondUnlock Gold; Unlock Gold on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 10 x 3 kills without dying
Dark SpineUnlock Diamond; Unlock Diamond on 33 other weapons; 3 triple kills
Dark MatterUnlock Dark Spine; Unlock Dark Spine on 33 other weapons; 3 x 5 kills without dying

Zombies Camos

Zombies Camos


Camo TypeCamo NameUnlock RequirementImage
Military CamosSlate100 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Desert200 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Evergreen300 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Rugged400 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Grim600 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Stripe800 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Oceanic1000 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Whiteout1500 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Purple Tiger2000 critical kills with AMR Mod 4
Special CamosScarthornUnlock all Military Camos in Zombies; 15 x 5 rapid critical kills
Marine SwirlUnlock all Military Camos in Zombies; 15 x 10 kills without reloading
Mastery CamosMystic GoldUnlock both Special Camos in Zombies; 15 x 10 rapid kills
OpalUnlock Mystic Gold; Unlock Mystic Gold on 2 other Sniper Rifles; 15 x 30 Special Zombie kills
AfterlifeUnlock Opal; Unlock Opal on 33 other weapons; 10 x 20 kills without taking damage
NebulaUnlock Afterlife; Unlock Afterlife on 33 other weapons; 10 Elite Zombie eliminations

Warzone Camos

Warzone Camos

Warzone Camo解锁的结构与其他模式相似,但具有不同的杀伤要求。

Camo TypeCamo NameUnlock RequirementImage
Military CamosQuartz5 kills with AMR Mod 4
Tundra10 kills with AMR Mod 4
Canyon15 kills with AMR Mod 4
Pine20 kills with AMR Mod 4
Undergrowth30 kills with AMR Mod 4
Snakeskin40 kills with AMR Mod 4
Siberia50 kills with AMR Mod 4
Smolder75 kills with AMR Mod 4
Blue Tiger100 kills with AMR Mod 4
Special CamosBramblethornUnlock all Military Camos in Warzone; 5 x 2 kills within 30 seconds
Sunlit ShoalUnlock all Military Camos in Warzone; 5 x 2 prone kills within 20 seconds
Mastery CamosGold TigerUnlock both Special Camos in Warzone; 5 Most Wanted kills
King's RansomUnlock Gold Tiger; Unlock Gold Tiger on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 5 x 3 kills without dying
CatalystUnlock King's Ransom; Unlock King's Ransom on 33 other weapons; 5 kills with stun/flash/shock
AbyssUnlock Catalyst; Unlock Catalyst on 33 other weapons; 2 x 5 kills without dying

AMR mod 4附件

AMR Mod 4 Attachments

AMR mod 4提供了广泛的自定义。大多数附件通过武器水平进展解锁;一些光学元件与其他武器水平进度相关。



Iron SightImproved Aim Down Sight Speed
Kepler MicroflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope Glint
PrismaTech ReflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope Glint
Redwell ReflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope Glint
K&S Red DotImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Kepler Red DotImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope Glint
OM3 '92 Holo1.5x Magnification, Improved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope Glint
ACCU-Spot Ultra Holo3x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope Glint
Willis 3x3x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope Glint
PrismaTech 4x4x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope Glint
Dobrych 4x4x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope Glint
K&S Thermal Holo1.5x Magnification, Thermal Target IdentificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Pinpoint HybridDual Optics Toggle, 4.5x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
PrismaPoint HybridDual Optics Toggle, 4.5x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
R&K Multizoom3x & 7x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope GlintReduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Remuda Range Finder4.5x Magnification, Target Range IndicatorLarge Sniper Scope Glint, Reduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Blandwell 7x Scope7x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope Glint
Remuda Dual Zoom11x & 6x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope Glint
VMF Variable Scope12x, 4x, & 8x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope GlintReduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Redwell Custom Zoom6x, 10x, & 14x Magnification, Large Sniper Scope GlintReduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Otero Thermal 2x2x Magnification, Thermal Target IdentificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint, Reduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Thermal 6x6x Magnification, Thermal Target IdentificationReduced Aim Down Sight Speed



SuppressorNo Ping On The Minimap When Firing
CompensatorImproved Vertical Recoil Control
Muzzle BreakImproved First Shot Recoil Control, Improved Kick Reset Speed
Ported CompensatorImproved First Shot Recoil Control, Improved Vertical Recoil Control


Gain-Twist BarrelBullet Velocity
Long BarrelDamage Range
Reinforced BarrelDamage Range, Bullet Velocity
Short BarrelImproved Jumping Aim Down Sight Speed, Improved Jumping Sprint to Fire Speed
CHF BarrelIncreased Legs Hit Location MultiplierReduced Horizontal Recoil Control, Reduced Vertical Recoil Control, Reduced Aim Down Sight Speed



Weighted PadImproved Horizontal Recoil Control
Lightweight PadReduced Aiming Idle Sway
Marksman PadImproved Aim Down Sight Focus
Precision PadReduced Aiming Idle Sway, Improved Horizontal Recoil Control
Ranger PadImproved Horizontal Recoil Control, Improved Sprinting Speed



Extended Mag IIncreased Ammo CapacityReduced Reload Quickness
Fast Mag IImproved Reload Quickness, Improved Aim Down Sight Speed, Improved Sprint to Fire SpeedsReduced Magazine Ammo Capacity
Extended Mag IIIncreased Ammo CapacityReduced Aim Down Sight Speed, Reduced Reload Quickness, Reduced Sprint to Fire Speed
Fast Mag IIImproved Reload Quickness, Improved Aim Down Sight Speed, Improved Sprint to Fire SpeedsReduced Magazine Ammo Capacity


Rear Grips

Quickdraw GripImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedReduced Flinch Resistance
Assault GripImproved Sprint to Fire Speed
Commando GripImproved Aim Down Sight Speed, Improved Sprint to Fire Speed
Ergonomic GripImproved Slide to Fire Speed, Improved Dive to Fire Speed, Improved Aim Down Sight SpeedReduced Flinch Resistance
CQB GripImproved Dive to Fire Speed, Improved Slide to Fire Speed, Improved Sprint to Fire Speed



Light RiserImproved Hipfire Movement Speed, Improved Movement Speed, Improved Strafing Movement Speed
Infiltrator RiserImproved Aim Walking Speed
Heavy RiserIncreased Flinch Resistance
Balanced RiserImproved Aim Walking Speed, Improved Movement Speed, Improved Hipfire Movement Speed, Improved Strafing Movement Speed
Combat RiserIncreased Flinch Resistance, Improved Aim Walking Speed



Steady Aim LaserImproved Hipfire SpreadLaser Visible in Hip
Fast Motion LaserImproved Diving Hipfire Spread, Improved Sliding Hipfire Spread, Improved Jumping Hipfire SpreadLaser Visible in Hip
Tactical LaserAbility to use Tactical StanceLaser Visible in Tactical Stance
Strelok LaserImproved Hipfire to ADS AccuracyLaser Visible in ADS
Target LaserAiming Idle Sway Delay, Improved Aim Walking SteadinessLaser Visible in ADS

Fire Mods

Fire Mods

Rapid FireIncreased Fire RateReduced Horizontal Recoil Control, Reduced Vertical Recoil Control
.50 BMG OverpressuredIncreased Bullet Velocity
Recoil SpringsIncreased Horizontal Recoil Control, Increased Vertical Recoil Control
.50 BMG FMJIncreased Damage Against Scorestreaks, Increased Penetration Damage

该综合指南提供了所有必要的信息来解锁和利用AMR mod 4在《使命召唤:黑色行动6和Warzone》中。请记住,根据您喜欢的游戏风格和特定的游戏模式调整附件。