Relax your brain with this fun word puzzle game set against beautiful landscapes!
Welcome to Word Connect! In this engaging crossword game, you'll enhance your vocabulary and spelling skills while embarking on a global journey. Discover the hidden secrets of the 7 wonders and explore incredible cities along the way.
In Word Connect, you'll start with a few letters as your only clue. Challenge your brain to create new words from scratch and connect them to form the final crossword solution. Are you ready to master this vocabulary game? Sometimes the solution will be clear, but at other times, you'll need to guess as you run out of words to connect. This game is the perfect tool for improving your searching, writing, and problem-solving skills.
What strategy will you employ? Will you solve the puzzle at first sight by guessing, or will you find one word at a time? Which city will you cross off your bucket list next? In this amazing crossword game, you'll visit them all!
How extensive is your word knowledge? You might find your alphabet more limited than expected—or perhaps not! These puzzles are designed to challenge your vocabulary breadth, your ability to combine different options, and your skill in searching to solve the jigsaw.
This crossword game blends the skills necessary to solve every riddle. Mastering the vocabulary is key to advancing to the next levels. For an extra challenge, seek out additional words on each level to make the puzzle even more demanding.