YUMS YUMS is the ultimate app designed to revolutionize your university experience. It combines convenience, organization, and timeliness to streamline every aspect of your academic life. Forget about the hassle of keeping track of class schedules and attendance manually. With YUMS, you can easily access Dec 11,2022
7Fon: Wallpapers & Backgrounds
7Fon: Wallpapers & Backgrounds 7Fon is an innovative app that offers a wide range of high-quality wallpapers with a plethora of unique features. With an extensive selection to choose from, users will be captivated by the diverse themes and have the opportunity to provide suggestions for their preferred wallpapers. Not only can us Dec 08,2022
Snap-e Scan
Snap-e Scan Introducing Snap-e Scan, the revolutionary app that allows you to interact with your television in a whole new way. With just your smartphone, simply scan a small marker on the TV screen during your favorite program or advertisement and be instantly transported to a new world. Imagine being able to Dec 07,2022
Epsy - for seizures & epilepsy
Epsy - for seizures & epilepsy Epsy - for seizures & epilepsy is an award-winning app designed to make seizure tracking easier than ever before. Acting as your daily companion, Epsy helps you stay on top of your medication routine and log other factors that may affect your epilepsy. By regularly tracking your seizures, side effec Dec 07,2022
Paulo L'AlgodePaulo is an algorithmic application designed to analyze soccer games and assist users in making predictions. While not a fortune teller, it utilizes a sophisticated mathematical algorithm to provide efficient predictions for football, tennis, and basketball competitions globally. The algorit Dec 03,2022
Princess Horse Caring 2
Princess Horse Caring 2 In Princess Horse Caring 2, prepare to embark on a journey filled with excitement and responsibility. This captivating horse game demands your expertise in a multitude of fields, including riding, fashion design for both horses and humans, exterior design, makeup artistry, beautician skills, farrier Dec 03,2022
External ballistics calculator
External ballistics calculator Introducing the External ballistics calculator, a user-friendly and accurate app designed to eliminate the guesswork from long-range shooting. With its precise calculations and intuitive data Entry, this app is a must-have for shooters of all skill levels. It even works seamlessly with G1 ballistic Nov 28,2022
LeafSnap Plant Identification
LeafSnap Plant Identification Introducing LeafSnap, the ultimate app for plant lovers. With just a simple click of your Android device's camera, you can now identify any type of plant in an instant. But that's not all! LeafSnap also helps you keep track of your own plants and their care needs, ensuring they stay healthy and thri Nov 23,2022
duoCo Strip
duoCo Strip With the duoCo Strip App, you can completely transform the ambiance of any room with just a few taps on your phone. Whether you want to create a cozy atmosphere for a relaxing evening or an energetic party setting, this app has got you covered. Not only can you easily control the color, brightness, Nov 20,2022
Floating Clock
Floating Clock Introducing Floating Clock, the must-have Android app that brings convenience and customization to your device. With Floating Clock, you no longer have to worry about the regular clock being hidden or not visible when using full-screen apps. This unique app gives you the ability to easily drag and d Nov 17,2022