Best Starbrand Decks in Marvel Snap

Author: Connor Mar 17,2025

Best Starbrand Decks in Marvel Snap

The Marvel universe boasts a plethora of powerful, Hulk-esque characters, and now, Starbrand joins the ranks of *Marvel Snap*. Let's dive into the best Starbrand decks currently available.

Jump To:

  • How Starbrand Works in Marvel Snap
  • Best Day One Starbrand Decks in Marvel Snap
  • Should You Use Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens on Starbrand?

How Starbrand Works in Marvel Snap

Starbrand is a 3-cost, 10-power card with the ability: “Ongoing: Your opponent has +3 Power at each other location.” Unlike Mister Fantastic, this effect isn't limited to adjacent locations; Starbrand grants power to every location except the one he's on. Because of this Ongoing effect, successful Starbrand decks often incorporate cards like Zero, Sauron, and Enchantress to mitigate the downside.

Shang-Chi single-handedly counters Starbrand, while synergies with Surtur are exceptionally strong. However, his 3-cost placement makes him tricky to integrate into many existing decks, often competing with Surtur or Sauron for the same slot.

Best Day One Starbrand Decks in Marvel Snap

Starbrand fits surprisingly well into a couple of established deck archetypes: Shuri Sauron and Surtur. Let's examine how he impacts these strategies:

Shuri Sauron Deck

  • Zabu
  • Zero
  • Armor
  • Lizard
  • Sauron
  • Starbrand
  • Shuri
  • Ares
  • Enchantress
  • Typhoid Mary
  • Red Skull
  • Taskmaster

[Click here to copy this list from Untapped.]

This budget-friendly deck features only Ares as a Series 5 card (easily replaceable with Vision). It leverages Zabu's ability more effectively than traditional move cards. The strategy is straightforward: neutralize negative Ongoing effects with Zero, Sauron, and Enchantress; boost a lane with Shuri into a high-power card like Red Skull; and finally, copy that power with Taskmaster. Zabu replaces Ebony Maw, offering more flexibility with Shuri and Starbrand plays on later turns, compensating for Taskmaster's nerf. Starbrand's opponent-buffing effect is less detrimental given the deck's high power plays. Enchantress can further mitigate this by removing an opponent's Ongoing effect.

Surtur Deck

  • Zabu
  • Zero
  • Armor
  • Sam Wilson
  • Captain America
  • Cosmo
  • Surtur
  • Starbrand
  • Ares
  • Attuma
  • Crossbones
  • Cull Obsidian
  • Skaar

[Click here to copy this list from Untapped.]

This deck is more expensive, containing four Series 5 cards. Sam Wilson and Cull Obsidian create synergy, while Surtur and Ares are crucial for high-level performance. Starbrand enables curve manipulation, potentially reducing Skaar's cost to 1 by playing him alongside Ares, Attuma, or Crossbones. Zero helps mitigate the drawbacks of both Starbrand and Attuma. The challenge lies in timing Starbrand's play, ideally alongside Zero and Skaar on the final turn, but adaptable play is key.

Should You Use Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens on Starbrand?

Starbrand's effectiveness remains to be seen, especially considering the recent power creep with cards like Agamotto and Eson. The viability of Shuri Sauron and Surtur decks in the current meta is uncertain. It's advisable to wait and observe how Starbrand performs before investing significant resources.

Marvel Snap is available now.