Pokémon TCG Pro: Top Decks and Cards in December 2024

Author: Jonathan Jan 31,2025

Pokémon TCG Pro: Top Decks and Cards in December 2024

This tier list ranks the best decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket, a more casual and beginner-friendly version of the main Trading Card Game. While casual, a meta still exists, and some decks are undeniably stronger.

Table of Contents

  • S-Tier Decks
  • A-Tier Decks
  • B-Tier Decks

Best Decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Effective deck building is crucial. Here are the top performing decks currently available:

S-Tier Decks

Gyarados Ex/Greninja Combo:

This deck utilizes a synergistic strategy. The core consists of: Froakie x2, Frogadier x2, Greninja x2, Druddigon x2, Magikarp x2, Gyarados Ex x2, Misty x2, Leaf x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poké Ball x2. Druddigon, with its 100 HP, acts as a sturdy defender and inflicts consistent chip damage without energy investment. Greninja provides additional chip damage and serves as a secondary attacker. Gyarados Ex delivers the final blow, capitalizing on the weakened opponent.

Pikachu Ex:

Currently the top deck. This fast, aggressive deck features: Pikachu Ex x2, Zapdos Ex x2, Blitzle x2, Zebstrika x2, Poké Ball x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Giovanni x2. Pikachu Ex's 90 damage for two energy is exceptionally efficient. Adding Voltorb and Electrode provides additional offensive options, with Electrode's free retreat being a significant advantage.

Raichu Surge:

While slightly less consistent than the main Pikachu Ex deck, this deck offers surprising burst damage. It includes: Pikachu Ex x2, Pikachu x2, Raichu x2, Zapdos Ex x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Lt. Surge x2. Raichu and Lt. Surge combine for powerful attacks, with Zapdos Ex providing a solid backup attacker. Energy discard from Raichu is mitigated by Lt. Surge's effects. X Speed facilitates strategic retreats.

A-Tier Decks

Celebi Ex and Serperior Combo:

The Mythical Island expansion boosted Grass-type decks. This deck leverages: Snivy x2, Servine x2, Serperior x2, Celebi Ex x2, Dhelmise x2, Erika x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poké Ball x2, X Speed x2, Potion x2, Sabrina x2. Serperior's Jungle Totem ability doubles Grass Pokémon energy, synergizing perfectly with Celebi Ex for high damage potential. Dhelmise provides a secondary attacker. However, this deck is vulnerable to Fire-type decks.

Koga Poison:

A poison-centric strategy. The key cards are: Venipede x2, Whirlipede x2, Scolipede x2, Koffing x2, Weezing x2, Tauros, Poké Ball x2, Koga x2, Sabrina, Leaf x2. Scolipede deals massive damage to poisoned opponents. Weezing and Whirlipede spread poison, while Koga facilitates efficient Pokémon deployment. Leaf reduces retreat costs. Tauros serves as a powerful finisher against Ex decks. This deck counters Mewtwo Ex effectively.

Mewtwo Ex/Gardevoir Combo:

This deck relies on a strong synergy between Mewtwo Ex and Gardevoir. It features: Mewtwo Ex x2, Ralts x2, Kirlia x2, Gardevoir x2, Jynx x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Giovanni x2. The goal is to quickly evolve Ralts to Gardevoir, supporting Mewtwo Ex's powerful Psydrive attack. Jynx acts as a stalling or early-game attacker.

B-Tier Decks

Charizard Ex:

A high-damage deck centered around Charizard Ex. It includes: Charmander x2, Charmeleon x2, Charizard Ex x2, Moltres Ex x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Giovanni x2. Charizard Ex inflicts massive damage, but relies on specific draws to set up effectively. Moltres Ex assists in early-game energy acceleration.

Colorless Pidgeot:

This deck utilizes basic Pokémon for consistent value. It contains: Pidgey x2, Pidgeotto x2, Pidgeot, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Red Card, Sabrina, Potion x2, Rattata x2, Raticate x2, Kangaskhan, Farfetch’d x2. Rattata and Raticate provide early-game damage, while Pidgeot's ability disrupts the opponent's strategy.

This tier list is a snapshot of the current meta. The best deck for you will depend on your playstyle and card collection.