For those eagerly awaiting news of The Last of Us Part III, renowned series creator Neil Druckmann has delivered a sobering update. In a recent interview with Variety, primarily focused on the TV series adaptation, Druckmann effectively dashed hopes of a third installment. When questioned about the possibility, he responded with a weary sigh, stating, “I was waiting for this question… I guess the only thing I would say is don’t bet on there being more of ‘Last of Us.’ This could be it.”
While Druckmann's statement is certainly discouraging, it doesn't entirely preclude future possibilities. Naughty Dog is currently immersed in the development of Intergalactic, a title unveiled at The Game Awards 2022, with no release date currently announced. Given the studio's focus on this ambitious project, it's understandable that resources might be unavailable for a Last of Us Part III in the near future. Druckmann’s words could be a calculated evasion, a reflection of current development priorities, or simply a definitive conclusion to the narrative arc. Only time will tell.
For fans still yearning for more in the Last of Us universe, the second season of the HBO Max series premieres April 13th. While the exact number of seasons remains uncertain, an HBO executive suggested a potential four-season run to fully adapt the story of Part II.