This guide details how to generate and direct light beams in the Citadelle Des Morts Easter Egg within Black Ops 6 Zombies. This crucial step unlocks the Paladin's Brooch, essential for the Light Incantation.
Generating and Directing Light Beams in Citadelle Des Morts
The process involves activating and redirecting light beams from four crystals.
1. Locating and Directing the First Crystal's Beam:
Begin in the Dining Hall's north section, above Vulture-Aid. Shoot the base of the crystal mounted on the north wall. This deflects the beam downwards. Then, proceed to the second floor's east side of the Dining Hall. Shoot the mirror to deflect the beam left, illuminating the second crystal.
2. Directing the Second Crystal's Beam:
From the second floor's southwest corner of the Dining Hall, shoot the base of the second crystal to direct its beam toward the third crystal above the Lion Knight.
3. Directing the Third Crystal's Beam:
Next, redirect the beam from the third crystal into the Alchemical Lab. Position yourself on the Dining Hall's north side, facing the crystal, and shoot its base to achieve this.
4. Directing the Fourth Crystal's Beam:
In the Alchemical Lab, aim for the crystal above the Arsenal Workbench. Stand near the room's exit (on the same side as the fourth crystal) and shoot its base to redirect the beam.
5. Revealing the Paladin's Brooch:
Finally, direct the beam from the last crystal to the table left of the Alchemical Lab's entrance to the Dining Hall. This is achieved from a similar position as the previous beam redirection. This action reveals the Paladin's Brooch, allowing progression to the Light Ritual.