How To Kill All Mobs in Minecraft

Author: Charlotte Mar 04,2025

Mastering Minecraft Mob Elimination: A Guide to the /kill Command

There are many reasons to eliminate mobs in Minecraft. The simplest method involves using commands, specifically the /kill command. However, even this seemingly straightforward command has nuances. This guide explains how to effectively use the /kill command to target various mobs.

Prerequisites: Enabling Cheats

Before employing the /kill command, ensure your world has cheats enabled. Instructions for enabling cheats are detailed below.

Using the /kill Command

The basic /kill command is simple: type /kill into the chat box. However, this will kill you. To target mobs, you need to add syntax.

  • Killing All Mobs: The command to kill all mobs (excluding the player) is:

    /kill @e[type=!minecraft:player]

    @e selects all entities; [type=!minecraft:player] excludes the player.

  • Killing Specific Mob Types: To target a specific mob type (e.g., chickens):

    /kill @e[type=minecraft:chicken]

  • Targeting Mobs by Distance:

    • Java Edition: To kill mobs within 15 blocks:

      /kill @e[distance=..15]

    • Bedrock Edition: To kill mobs within 10 blocks:

      /kill @e[r=10]

  • Combining Type and Distance: To kill a specific mob type within a certain radius:

    • Java Edition: To kill sheep within 15 blocks:

      /kill @e[distance=..15,type=minecraft:sheep]

    • Bedrock Edition: To kill sheep within 10 blocks:

      /kill @e[r=10,type=minecraft:sheep]

Minecraft will autocomplete commands, minimizing the need for memorization.

Important Selectors:

Beyond @e, other useful selectors include:

  • @p: Nearest player
  • @r: Random player
  • @a: All players
  • @s: Yourself

Enabling Cheats in Minecraft

The /kill command requires cheats to be enabled. Here's how to do it:

Java Edition:

Minecrafr Open to Lan Screen  Java Edition

  1. Enter your world.
  2. Press Esc.
  3. Select "Open to LAN."
  4. Toggle "Allow Commands" to "On."

This enables commands for the current session. To permanently enable cheats, create a new world with cheats enabled during world creation.

Bedrock Edition:

Minecraft Cheats Screen Bedrock edition as part of an article about how to kill mobs.

  1. Navigate to your worlds.
  2. Select the world and click the pencil icon.
  3. In the settings menu, toggle "Cheats" to "On."

Minecraft is available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices.