Netflix Games welcomes Carmen Sandiego! Available now on iOS and Android for Netflix subscribers, this exclusive early release lets you experience the latest adventure first.
The globe-trotting vigilante, Carmen Sandiego, confronts her former V.I.L.E. associates in this thrilling new game. Expect worldwide adventures, stealth, and exciting hang-gliding minigames.
This iteration differs from previous point-and-click games, where Sandiego was the antagonist. This new role as a vigilante marks a significant shift, highlighted by its early release on Netflix, preceding console and other platforms.
A Global Pursuit
Netflix's early access strategy is understandable. Gameloft's ambitious multi-platform release aims for a AAA gaming experience. This early access offers added value for Netflix subscribers.
Gameloft's debut in this genre shows promise, but its reception remains to be seen.
For more on the latest game releases, check out our "Ahead of the Game" feature. This week, we explore the multiplayer dungeon crawler, Gold & Glory.