Drecom has dropped their 3D Dungeon RPG Wizardry Variants Daphne on mobile today. The Wizardry series goes way back to 1981 and has had a massive influence on most RPGs of today. Party management, labyrinth exploration and monster slaying are some of the elements that this series first introduced to gamers.So, What’s Wizardry Variants Daphne Mobile About?You dive into a world where every 100 years, a giant Abyss opens up and just starts sucking the life out of everything. A Warlock is the one who makes it happen, taking in people, animals and everything else.Wizardry Variants Daphne picks up where the last of the kings just up and disappears. He had been protecting the world from this abyss for generations. And now that he’s gone, you and your squad come in.You explore The Abyss in full 3D detail, and along with exploration, there’s combat and tons of challenges. With traps lurking around every corner and tough enemies, it’s quite a thrill ride. Why don’t you catch a glimpse of Wizardry Variants Daphne mobile below?
This is a screenshot of a mobile game.Will You Get It?Wizardry Variants Daphne mobile has a gacha mechanic for getting new characters. You can actually customize the names of the characters you summon. Also, you can adjust their stats by redistributing some bonus points they come with.And if you’re looking for some stylish weapons and armor, you can invest your gold in healing items. Go ahead and try the game out from the Google Play Store. And before heading out, read our next scoop on Moomins x Sky: Children Of The Light Where You Can Find Your Inner Strength.