Application Description
The IKEA app simplifies home design and shopping. Discover countless products and design ideas to personalize your space. Shop conveniently online or in-store, utilizing features such as Shop & Go for quicker checkouts, personalized lists, and order tracking. Manage your IKEA Family benefits and data privacy settings all within the app. Streamline your home design journey with the IKEA app.
Key Features:
- Design Inspiration: Explore thousands of products and ideas for your home.
- Shop & Go: Use in-store scanning to expedite checkout.
- Organized Lists: Create and manage lists of favorite items.
- Home Delivery: Order furniture and home décor with easy delivery tracking.
- IKEA Family Access: Conveniently access your Family card and past receipts.
- Data Privacy Control: Maintain control over your data for a secure experience.
In short, the IKEA app provides a seamless shopping experience with features including design inspiration, in-store scanning, list management, home delivery, IKEA Family benefits access, and comprehensive data privacy controls. Download the app today for a smoother, more enjoyable shopping and decorating process.
IKEA Screenshots
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