CashBoxNG- Save money securely

CashBoxNG- Save money securely

Finance 7.1.0 65.00M by Cashbox Jan 14,2025
Application Description

CashBoxNG: Your Secure and Versatile Savings Companion

CashBoxNG is the ultimate savings app, designed to make saving money easy and secure, anytime, anywhere. Earn interest while effortlessly saving for your future, whether it's your children's education, a specific goal, or simply building a financial cushion.

Key Features:

  • KidsBox: A fun and educational tool to teach children and teens about responsible money management, while parents can simultaneously save for their children's future.
  • Target Savings: Consistently save towards a specific goal and earn interest, with withdrawal available upon plan maturity.
  • Regular Savings: Automate your savings with regular contributions and earn interest. Easy withdrawals are available on designated days.
  • Vault (Fixed Deposit): A personalized fixed deposit account offering upfront interest. Withdrawals are simple upon plan maturity.
  • Swift Savings: Save any amount at any time without setting up an automated plan. Bank transfers are accepted, even without an ATM card.
  • Cliques (Group Savings): Save collaboratively with family and friends towards a shared goal. Individual funds remain securely accessible only to their respective owners.

Unwavering Security and Support:

CashBoxNG employs bank-grade encryption and provides 24/7 customer support, ensuring the utmost security for your financial information. Transparency in all transactions is a top priority.

Start Saving Today!

CashBoxNG offers a diverse range of savings options to meet your individual needs. Sign up for free and experience the convenience and security of a modern savings platform designed for your success.

CashBoxNG- Save money securely Screenshots

  • CashBoxNG- Save money securely Screenshot 0
  • CashBoxNG- Save money securely Screenshot 1
  • CashBoxNG- Save money securely Screenshot 2
  • CashBoxNG- Save money securely Screenshot 3
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